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1.高压导致水稻变异品系发生DNA甲基化模式及基因组结构的改变《中国科学C辑》2005 35(6)490-49

2.Alterations in DNA Methylation and Genome Structure in Two Rice Mutant Lines Induced by High-Pressure. 《Science China Series C》2006 49(2)97-104 (SCI)

3.In plant Mobilization of mPing and its Putative Autonomous Element Pong in Rice by Hydrostatic Pressurization.Joural of Experimental Botany  2006,Vol.57  No. 10 2313-2323

4.高压对米曲霉理化性质影响及诱变的研究  高压物理学报2008年第22卷  第3期259-264

5.Analysis on the DNA Fingerprinting of Aspergillus oryzae mutant Induced by High Hydrostatic Pressure. Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol.28,No.1(2011) 010703.1-4 

6.Application of Near Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy with Radial Basis Function Neural Network to Determination of Rifampincin Isoniazid and Pyrazinamide Tablets[J] 高等学校化学研究, 2007,V23(5): 518-523

7.Analysis on the DNA Fingerprinting of Aspergillus oryzae mutant Induced by High Hydrostatic Pressure.Chin.Phys.Lett. Vol.28,No.1(2011) 010703.1-4

8.Molecular Mechanisms for High Hydrostatic Pressure-Induced Wing Mutagenesis in Drosophila melanogaster Scientific Reports 08 October 2015 5:14965