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发布时间:2018/04/04    浏览次数:51
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朱越,博士。珠海科技学院生命科学学院教师。本科(2006-2010)毕业于吉首大学,硕士(2011-2014)为吉首大学与中科院微生物所联合培养。2016年获得国家公派留学资助在美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学(North Carolina State University)攻读植物学博士学位(2016-2021)。曾在北卡罗莱纳州立大学从事Plant biology(本科课程), Plant biotechnology(研究生课程),和Medicinal plants(本科课程)等课程的教学工作,并获得Charles Stuber Travel Award奖学金毕业以后在北卡罗莱纳州立大学从事博士后副研究员工作。主要研究方向为植物类黄酮与倍半萜类化合物的生物合成。曾参与美国农业部海外农业局(USDA-FASBorlaug Fellowship 科研课题两项。迄今在Molecular Plant, Planta, Plant Journal等著名植物学期刊发表论文19篇,其中第一作者9篇。第一作者论文累计影响因子超过65,其中最高单篇论文影响因子为27.5。获得国际专利授权1项。

教学工作(美国所授课程): Plant Biology(本科课程), Plant Biotechnology(研究生课程), Medicinal Plants(本科课程).



1.“Borlaug Fellowship Program- Sri Lanka- #4(Ganga)Blister Blight” funded by USDA-FAS (project number: 567444 / 067444)第二负责人

2.“Borlaug Fellowship Program- Ecuador - Cacao Metabolites” funded by USDA-FAS (project number: 566704 / 066704) 第二负责人



1. Yue Zhu, Seyit Yuzuak, Xiaoyan Sun, De-yu Xie. 2023, Identification and Biosynthesis of Plant Papanridins -A Group of Novel Oligomeric Flavonoids. Molecular Plant, Volume 16, ISSUE 11, P1773-1793. IF:27.5, Cell Express Journal

2. Yue Zhu, Frank Scholle, Samantha C. Kisthardt, De-yu Xie. 2022, Flavonols and Dihydroflavonols Inhibit the Main Protease Activity of SARS-CoV-2 and the Replication of Human Coronavirus 229E. Virology, (2022) 571: 21-23.

3. Yue Zhu, De-Yu Xie. 2020, Docking Characterization and In vitro Inhibitory Activity of Flavan-3-ols and Dimeric Proanthocyanidins against the Main Protease Activity of SARS-Cov-2. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11:601316. (One of the 20 highlighted papers of Frontiers in Plant Science in 2020)

4. Yue Zhu, Qingzhong Peng, Kegang Li, De-Yu Xie. 2018, Molecular Cloning and Functional Characterization of a Dihydroflavonol 4-Reductase from Vitis bellula. Molecules. 23(4):861.

5. Guo-Liang Zhang, Yue Zhu (Co-first author), Wei-Dong Fu, Peng Wang, Rui-Hai Zhang, Yan-Lei Zhang, Zheng Song, Gui-Xian Xia, Jia-He Wu. 2016. ITRAQ Protein Profile Differential Analysis of Dormant and Germinated Grassbur Twin Seeds Reveals that Ribosomal Synthesis and Carbohydrate Metabolism Promote Germination Possibly Through the PI3K Pathway. Plant and Cell Physiology. 57(6): pcw074.

6. Le Wang, Yue Zhu (Co-first author), Peng Wang, Qiang Fan, Yao Wu, Qing-Zhong Peng, Gui-Xian Xia, Jia-He Wu. 2016, Functional Characterization of a Dihydroflavanol 4-Reductase from the Fiber of Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Molecules. 21 (2):32.

7. Yue Zhu, Haiyun Wang, QingZhong Peng, Yuntao Tang, Guixian Xia, Jiahe Wu, De-Yu Xie. 2015, Functional characterization of an anthocyanidin reductase gene from the fibers of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Planta, 241 (5).

8. Yue Zhu, Qing-Zhong Peng, Ke-Gang Li, De-Yu Xie. 2014, Molecular cloning and functional characterization of the anthocyanidin reductase gene from Vitis bellula. Planta. 240 (2).

9. Yue Zhu, Qing-Zhong Peng, Ci Du, Ke-Gang Li, and De-Yu Xie. 2013, Characterization of Flavan-3-ols and Expression of MYB and Late Pathway Genes Involved in Proanthocyanidin Biosynthesis in Foliage of Vitis bellula. Metabolites 2013, 185-233.


1. Lin Xi, Feng Wang, Daisy Cagle, Yue Zhu, Jack Odle, Deyu Xie. 2023 PSIV-30 Exploring the Prebiotic Activities of Proanthocyanidins on a Platform Using the Three-Dimensionally (3D)-Cultured Organoids. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 101, Issue Supplement_3, November 2023, Pages 355-356.

2. Yilun Dong, Mingzhuo Li, Bryanna Cruz, Emily Ye, Yue Zhu, Lihua Li, Zhengjun Xu, De-yu Xie. 2023 Molecular understanding of anthocyanin biosynthesis activated by PAP1 and regulated by 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in engineered read Artemisia annua cells. Planta, 258, 75 (2023)

3. Rika Judd, Yilun Dong, Xiaoyan Sun, Yue Zhu, Mingzhuo Li, De-yu Xie. 2023 Metabolic engineering of the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway in Artemisia annua and relation to the expression of the artemisinin biosynthetic pathway. Planta, (2023) 257:63  

4. Mingzhuo Li, Xianzhi He, Christophe La Hovary, Yue Zhu, Yilun Dong, Shibiao Liu, Hucheng Xing, Yajun Liu, Yucheng Jie, Dongming Ma, Seyit Yuzuak, De-Yu Xie. 2021, A de novo regulation design shows an effectiveness in altering plant secondary metabolism. Journal of Advanced Research, (2022) 37: 43-60.

5. Rika Judd, M. Caleb Bagley, Mingzhuo Li, Yue Zhu, Caiyan Lei, Seyit Yuzuak, Mans Ekelof , Gaobin Pu, Xiting Zhao, David C. Muddiman and De-Yu Xie. 2019, Artemisinin Biosynthesis in Non-glandular Trichome Cells of Artemisia annua. Molecular Plant. March 2019, 12 (5).

6. Dongming Ma, Gui Li, Fatima Alejos-Gonzalez, Yue Zhu, Zhen Xue, Aimin Wang, Hui Zhang, Xing Li, Hechun Ye, Hong Wang, Benye Liu, and De-Yu Xie. 2017, Overexpression of a type I isopentenyl pyrophosphate isomerase of Artemisia annua in the cytosol leads to high arteannuin B production and artemisinin increase. Plant Journal. (2017) 91,466–479. (JCR Q1, IF 7.2)

 7. Dongming Ma, Gui Li, Yue Zhu, De-Yu Xie. 2017. Overexpression and Suppression of Artemisia annua 4-Hydroxy-3-Methylbut-2-enyl Diphosphate Reductase 1 Gene (AaHDR1) Differentially Regulate Artemisinin and Terpenoid Biosynthesis. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8(e37149).

8. Le Wang, Shu-Ming Wu, Yue Zhu, Qiang Fan, Zhen-Nan Zhang, Guang Hu, Qing-Zhong, Peng, Jia-He Wu. 2017. Functional characterization of a novel jasmonate ZIM-domain interactor (NINJA) from upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 112 (2017) 152-160.

9. Jinhuan Pang, Yue Zhu, Qing Li, Jinzhi Liu, Yingchuan Tian, Yule Liu, Jiahe Wu. 2013, Development of Agrobacterium-Mediated Virus-Induced Gene Silencing and Performance Evaluation of Four Marker Genes in Gossypium barbadense. PLoS ONE, 8(9):e73211

10. Qing-Zhong Peng, Yue Zhu, Zhong Liu, Ci Du, Ke-Gang Li, and De-Yu Xie. 2012, An integrated approach to demonstrating the ANR pathway of proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in plants. Planta, 236(3):901-18.


Methods to use flavonoids for inhibition of SARS-Cov-2 and treatment of COVID-19. De-yu Xie and Yue Zhu. WO 2022/036316 A1.