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发布时间:2018/04/04    浏览次数:692
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张雪晴,博士,日本京都府立医科大学医学研究科病态分子药理学专业,主攻方向为活性氧合成酶(NADPH氧化酶NOX1)与疾病的发病机制的研究。共发表学术论文8篇,其中,SCI收录论文5篇。参与学术会议5次,其中在国际学术会议上做学术报告4次,包括口头发表2次,墙报报告2次。曾参与获得日本铃木谦三记念医科学应用研究财团研究经费,日本文部科学省Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 科研费。参与教材编写,多项省级校级项目的申报和校企合作横向课题等科研项目的研究。






1.Zhang X, et al. NOX1/NADPH oxidase affects the development of autism-like behaviors in a maternal immune activation model. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 534 (2020): 59-66.

2.Matsumoto M, Zhang J, Zhang X, et al. The NOX1 isoform of NADPH oxidase is involved in dysfunction of liver sinusoids in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 115 (2018): 412-420.

3.Wen X, Iwata K, Ikuta K, Zhang X, et al. NOX1/NADPH oxidase regulates the expression of multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 and maintains intracellular glutathione levels. The FEBS journal 286.4 (2019): 678-687.

4.Liu J, Iwata K, Zhu K, Matsumoto M, Matsumoto K, Asaoka N, Zhang X, et al. NOX1/NADPH oxidase in bone marrow-derived cells modulates intestinal barrier function. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 147 (2020): 90-101.

5.Matsumoto M, Liu J, Iwata K, Ibi M, Asaoka N, Zhang X, et al. NOX1/NADPH oxidase is involved in the LPS-induced exacerbation of collagen-induced arthritis. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 146.2 (2021): 88-97.